Priming by timing: the longer Pieris brassicae eggs are exposed to A. thaliana plants the stronger the plants’ response and the more the hatching larvae suffer from it. This work has largely been conducted by Georgios Valsamakis, Vivien Lortzing and Norbert Bittner in the group of Monika Hilker.
New PhD students working on hitch-hiking Trichogramma wasps
Liana and Xianhui (from left) both just started their PhD on the ecology, evolution and genetics of anti-sex pheromones of passion-vine/cabbage white butterflies and natural selection by hitch-hiking egg parasitoids spying on these pheromones. Both will have supervisors from Biosystematics group and the Laboratory of Genetics @WUR. They will conduct field work either in Panama or The Netherlands, olfactometer bioassays, analyse pheromones and the genetics behind them.
New PhD student Eva Drukker
Eva Drukker (MSc) is from the Netherlands and studied biology at Wageningen University. She did her internship research at the Bureau Stadsnatuur, studying arthropods on green roofs. In March, just before the Corona outbreak, she started her PhD on this topic supervised by Prof. Eric Schranz, Casper Quist and me. For the coming four years she will be studying these new ecosystems in our urban landscape. Among other things she is trying to unravel the complicated interactions that take place in these elevated habitats. Besides her research, she is very fond of and experienced in teaching and therefore takes part in two courses that we give at Biosystematics Group.
New publications 2020
7th Vidi user committee meeting – on Skype
New paper in preprint on BioRxiv
Eddie Griese's second paper on 'Plant responses to butterfly oviposition partly explain preference-performance relationships on different brassicaceous species' is under review but the preprint is available on BioRxiv
So far it was well perceived and #1 paper in Ecology in BioRxiv when published
Manuscript on bioRxiv
10 years after collecting new Trichogramma wasps from passion-vine butterflies in a tropical rain-forest in Panama we manage to identify and describe them! Without no doubt, this is a classical Biosystematics publication!
Recent Posts
- Dr. Bassetti, congrats – you made it! October 7, 2022
- New publication by Corne van der Linden in Biological Control March 31, 2022
- First thesis chapter published by Niccolo Bassetti in BMC Plant Biology! March 31, 2022
- Yes, finally, Eddie Griese obtained his PhD degree! October 6, 2021