
BSc courses on 'Fauna and Flora' by Biosystematics

I am Fauna coordinator and lecturer in two BSc courses on the biology, diversity and systematics of arthropods/insects, namely 'Biodiversity of the Netherlands' and 'Webs of Terrestrial Diversity'. The first includes bike excursions around Wageningen and the second a 2-week excursion to the French Pyrenees! Below you find some impressions of the courses and links to the course websites.

BIS-10306 Biodiversity of the Netherlands

This course is in Dutch and for first year Biology students as well as Forest and Nature Conservation students.

Students of the Biodiversity course in action: catching aquatic insects in the ponds of Wageningen campus - next to the 'must leave' water beetle sculpture.

BIS-21306 Webs of Terrestrial Diversity

This course is for second year Biology students with the specialization Ecology and Biodiversity.

A legendary course since more than 50 years!

Other courses at Biosystematics

BIS-51306 Short Research Project

This 6 ECT course is especially meant for Biology and Plant Sciences students to conduct a mini project or write a proposal/review. Take a look at our research topics and specific thesis projects. If you are a WUR student and interested, don't hesitate to email me!